Questions about Prop A Texas Civil Service

  • What is Civil Service?

    Civil Service is a system established by the Texas Legislature under Local Government Code Chapter 143 to regulate the hiring, promotion, and dismissal of firefighters. 

    The main goals of Civil Service are to:

    • Ensure that hiring, promotions, and discipline are based on merit and objective criteria rather than political favoritism or nepotism.

    • Provide career security based on fair performance evaluations rather than an "at-will" employment status.

    • Protect employees from unjust treatment or retaliation resulting from whistleblowing or exercising legal rights.

  • What process or requirements would Civil Service place on the City of Frisco?

    Civil Service would require the City of Frisco to:

    • Appoint a civilian commission to administer the policies and programs for hiring, promotions, and discipline.

    • Post open positions so that all qualified candidates have an equal opportunity to apply.

    • Establish entrance and promotional exams that assess candidates based on knowledge, skills, and abilities relevant to the job.

    • Establish eligibility lists of candidates who pass the entrance or promotional exams.

    • Fill vacancies by promoting from within the department before considering external hires.

    • Provide due process rights for employees facing disciplinary action, including written notice of charges, a hearing, and the ability to appeal.

    • Protect employees from being suspended or demoted except for just cause.

  • What costs are associated with implementing Civil Service?

    As with most civilian commissions and boards appointed by the City Council, there are no specific costs to create a Civil Service Commission. The commission may be advised by the City Attorney on relevant matters and questions related to compliance with the law.

    As the election to adopt the chapter is held on a uniform election date, there is no cost to add the additional ballot items. 

  • Will the adoption of Civil Service affect police or other Frisco employees?

    No. This petition would only apply to employees serving as sworn fire fighters for the Frisco Fire Department.

  • If Civil Service is approved by the voters will personnel policies and procedures for Frisco fire fighters change?

    Absolutely, yes.

    The city would be required under Texas law to update its policies to reflect a fair, neutral, and transparent process. 

    They would also have to appoint a Civil Service Commission of unpaid civilians to guide future hiring and promotional processes and to serve as an impartial and fair board to direct matters of public concern within the Fire Department.

    The Civil Service Commission would not dictate fire operations, firefighter emergency policies, or other firefighting procedures.

  • Does Civil Service benefit those who served in the military?


    Currently, the City of Frisco provides no preference to veterans who have honorably served our county.

    However, under state law, with Civil Service, preference points are automatically given to any member of the military who has been discharged honorably and who has passed the minimum standard written test for hiring.

  • Does the City of Frisco need to hire a special attorney to advise the City Council or Civil Service Commission?


    There is no requirement in Texas Law for any special attorney to be hired by the city. In fact, almost all cities in Texas with Civil Service DO NOT have a special attorney assigned to the Civil Service Commission.

    The Texas Local Government Code on Civil Service is clear, simple, and designed to be implemented without any unfunded legislative mandates.

    The legal needs of the city or commission to comply with the legislation would easily be handled by the current City Attorney or their staff.

  • Does the City of Frisco need to purchase any additional furniture, office space, or computer software for Civil Service?


    The Civil Service Commission would utilize already existing meeting space within City Hall, similar to every other committee or commission of the city.

    No special furniture, computers, or software is necessary to ensure the applicants, firefighters, and citizens are treated fairly with transparent, responsible government.

  • Will it cost the City of Frisco more to test for new fire fighters?


    The City of Frisco is not required under Civil Service to hire any outside testing company or engage in any expensive testing process. The requirements of the law are met by cities large and small across the state without new costs or fees.

    The intent of Civil Service is fair, transparent, and impartial testing. Doing the right thing and treating people fairly is not expensive or complicated.

  • Will Proposition A raise taxes?

    No, it's actually illegal for a pr

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